1 → What are the components you require for the planned logo?
Do you imagine your logo with a symbol? Or do you require a text based logo? Please select below:
2 → If you had to choose one of these fonts, which would you choose?
Note: We will not actually use the following fonts to create your logo. It's just another great way to identify the design direction.
3 → List a few logos you like:
i.e. http://www.apple.com, http://www.nike.com
Shift + Enter to make a line break
4 → Describe your company or identity:
i.e. Art dealer in Switzerland
5 → Could you share with us some more details?
Goals, budget, deadlines...
6 → Additional needs (Optional):
Choose as many as you like.
7 → How did you hear about us? This question is required.*
If you heard about us from a friend, please select other and mention your friend's name.
8 → Your contact information*